Dinosaur Hunters Make Incredible 125 Million Year Old Discovery


Dinosaur hunters in eastern Spain have discovered the 125 million year old remains of one of the largest beasts ever to walk this Earth.

Excavating an area in Morella, specialists were able to dig up the bones, over 80 in total, of the 65 foot sauropod dinosaur.

Sauropods were plant eating creatures with especially long necks and tails but surprisingly small heads. Interestingly they were so bloody big that they had zero competitors.

You can see for yourself below:

[ooyala code=”dkdGNvYjE67DtbnSI5M9QFxEoCZ7UeBj” player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ auto=”true” width=”1280″ height=”720″ pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l”]

The head of the expadition, Jose Miguel Gasulla, explained that the remains are in excellent condition.

Jose added:

Everything related to dinosaurs has an important social impact.

Attractive because they were enigmatic, brutal and because thousands of films have been made about them.

And when we are preparing material and publishing it, that impact will increase even more.


I guess most of us can merely look at these great beasts of the past in awe but for Jose and his team these findings are more than just a good day at work – they’re helping the world understand its past a little better.