Thanks to shows like Blue Planet and, well, anything narrated by Sir David Attenborough, we’ve come to view nature at its most fearsome, with a kind of morbid curiosity.
From epic battles between iguanas and snakes, to octopuses who can change colour to fool their prey, to a pack of hyenas taking down a wildebeest, our fascination with wild creatures has only increased over the years.
Thanks to a little movie called Jaws, and, y’know, a pretty justifiable fear of being eaten, people don’t tend to warm to sharks that much.

However, footage has emerged, not of a shark attacking a human, or even its usual prey, but of a giant great white shark attacking ANOTHER great white shark.
That’s some shark-on-shark action not even the epic Sharknado can give you!
Check out the ferocious moment here:
The footage was captured by 33-year-old Adam Malski, who was on a boat just feet away from the duelling duo.
The 4.8m shark – named Gilbert – attacked the rival fish 50 miles from Australia’s shore. The larger shark survived the struggle, but the smaller shark has not been seen since.
Great white sharks can grow to up to 20ft in length, and can live as long as 70 years.
Check out some other fearsome and record breaking animals here:
Also, this would be a perfect time to remind you of the epic battle between, the previously mentioned, iguana and snakes.
It was more thrilling than most action movies!
You can watch the momentous feat again here:
If reading this has left you still unsure about getting back into the sea, spare a thought for Dylan McWilliams, who’s only 20-years-old but has already had more than his fair share of close calls with nature.
Dylan has been bitten by a bear, shark and a snake in the space of less than four years.
His latest run in happened in back in April, when he was attacked by a shark while in the sea off the island of Kauai – less than a year after he was ‘mauled and dragged’ by a black bear in Colorado.
Oh yeah, and he was bitten by a rattlesnake in Utah a little over three years ago as well, writes Honolulu Star Advertiser.
As Dylan went surfing in Kauai, Hawaii, he was knocked off his board ‘about 30 yards from shore’. It was then he felt an excruciating pain in his right calf.
Dylan said he looked down and saw a a six-to-eight-foot tiger shark lurking beneath him so he ‘gave it a swift kick’ before frantically swimming back to the safety of shore.

He said:
That was the scariest part. I didn’t know where the shark was, and I didn’t know if he would come after me again.
Dylan needed seven stitches – which is absolutely nothing compared to what happened to him last July. He had to have nine staples in his scalp after a 280-pound black bear attacked him as he slept in the great outdoors at a summer camp.
The bear not only ‘bit into the back of his head’, it then went on to drag him ‘some 12 feet’.
Three and a half years ago, Dylan was also bitten by a pygmy faded rattlesnake, when it jumped out at him as he was out hiking in a canyon near Moab, Utah.
Luckily, it turned out be a dry bite, which gave him only enough venom to make him feel ill for ‘a day or two’.
Dylan, maybe leave the adventures for a while!
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Charlie Cocksedge is a journalist and sub-editor at UNILAD. He graduated from the University of Manchester with an MA in Creative Writing, where he learnt how to write in the third person, before getting his NCTJ. His work has also appeared in such places as The Guardian, PN Review and the bin.