A golden retriever had the most adorable reaction when her owner told her she was cancer free.
The dog, who’s named Lily, defied the odds and found out she was cancer free after her owner was told a tumour like hers hadn’t been benign in 25 years.
Lily’s owner, who lives with the joyful looking pup, in Hawaii, relayed the good news to her, and Lily’s excited reaction is heartwarming to watch.
Check out the emotional video below:
The video was shared on social media, where the owner explained Lily’s story.
They wrote:
Overnight Lily got sick. She could hardly stand.
We took her in and they found a tumour on her spleen. She was bleeding internally, and so anaemic her breathing was affected she needed a blood transfusion or she would be dead in hours. [sic]
Once they stabilised her they told us it was Hemangiosarcoma, and its very common in Golden Retrievers. It comes on fast and she only had days to live if we didn’t do surgery. [sic]

The post continued:
The bad news was that even if we did do the surgery she’d only have months.
There was a small chance, only 10 per cent chance that it was the benign kind. The vet said that in her 20 years of emergency medicine, she never had a case where that happened.
Lily’s loving owners couldn’t bare the thought of losing their pet, so despite knowing the odds weren’t in her favour, they went ahead with the surgery.
Lily’s owners explained in the post:
We emptied our savings account and did the surgery. They removed a six pound tumour!
She immediately seemed better. But they said it would only be temporary. That in a few months she would bleed out.
I kept saying, ‘but what if it is benign?’ They were clear that it has never happened and we should be prepared and just enjoy our time with her.
One week later we got the results. This was the moment I told her.
Fantastically, Lily had apparently been the first dog in 25 years to have a benign tumour of that kind.
As her owner broke the news, the happy doggo could barely stand still, wagging her tail as she looked up at her human friend.
Bracing the pooch for the revelation, the owner said ‘I need you to sit down for this’. Adorably, the obedient dog sank to the floor, then started to hop around as the woman behind the camera told her she didn’t have cancer.
Understandably also filled with joy, the owner adopted a typical high pitched excited ‘dog voice’ as she spoke, telling Lily she ‘wasn’t going anywhere today!’
The owner decided to make the video as a fun way to announce to friends and family the beautiful dog Lily was going to be ok.
In making the video, she also hoped to spread awareness for the cancer Lily had.
She stated:
I wanted a video for those searching for information about this cancer because I didn’t find many encouraging things.
Since then the video has had nearly 500 million views and hundreds of thousands of comments and shares from people who said they lost their pets to this cancer or who decided to give their animals a chance and do the surgery and who also had good results.

The owner later added to the post, while Lily might not exactly have comprehended all of the information, ‘She was happy because I was happy’.
I think it’s safe to say, we’re all also very happy for Lily and her owner.
I’m not crying, you are.
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to [email protected].

Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.