Family Stunned To Find ‘Puppy’ They Raised For Two Years Wasn’t A Puppy

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We’ve all made mistakes at Pets at Home we’d rather not talk about, but this latest animal mix up from China really makes you wonder.


I once won a goldfish at a funfair and it stayed alive for about eight years. Must have got it when I was about 11. My folks fed it when I went off to drop out of uni for the first time. It lasted longer than I did at Staffordshire.

So I’m totally on the side of Su Mou from Yunnan, who bought a ‘Tibetan Mastiff’, while on their travels two years ago. The ‘pup’ turned out to be, well, not be a Tibetan Mastiff.


Look at this wondrous bear-dog guy below:

Su decided – probably for the best – to send the bear-pup to a wildlife rescue centre for better care, after originally buying him on a roadside, China News reports.

Su said:

It was a small Tibetan mastiff at that time. After I took it home, it was still a Tibetan mastiff. It grew up more and more like a black bear. Although I was a bit scared of a black bear, I have been feeling so for two years. [sic]

After the black bears, they are afraid of letting go and injuring themselves or being harmed. They simply keep their broth and fruits in good and delicious conditions every day. [sic]

Pear Video

To begin with, Su didn’t realise wild bears reared in the home had to go through formalities – see it’s not just Brussels that loves their bureaucracy.


The forest public security had also released propaganda related to laws and regulations, and Su realised illegally domesticating wild animals was an illegal activity.


The pup was taken to Yiliang County Forest Public Security Bureau for help.

A preliminary inspection of the black bear found it had no scars on the surface and had good vital signs.


Its height was nearly 1 metre and the weight was about 200 kilograms. After being anaesthetised, it was transported to the Yunnan Wildlife Rescue and Rescue Center for observation.

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As a lesson to all, whatever country or continent you find yourself reading this in, The Forest Public Security remind us all an important lesson:

Any animal that belongs to the state to protect animals, whether hunting, killing, domestication, reproduction, or sale, must be licensed before implementation.

Otherwise, it would be an illegal act, and the light will be made by the wildlife protection department. Administrative penalties may pose a crime. At the same time, there are still large security risks.

So think twice when someone offers to sell you a snake in your local after closing.

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