Gang of Cows Break Into Shop And Eat All The Vegetables


Picture the scene: you’re doing your weekly shop, strolling around minding your own business, when all of a sudden, a herd of cows enter.

But they don’t just have a browse around, oh no. Instead, they take it upon themselves to head straight for the fruit and vegetables and have a feast.

It’d be a pretty bizarre way to start your day, right? But that’s exactly what happened in one store in Hong Kong recently, when four cows decided they’d had enough of munching on grass, and wanted to get a taste of real food.

Cows in fieldPixabay

The animals broke into the Fusion grocery store in Mui Wo, Hong Kong, at around 8pm on February 7, and headed straight for the fruit and vegetable shelves, local newspaper Ming Pao reports.

Despite the chaos, staff members and customers eventually managed to get the cows out of the shop – although there were reports of some cows remaining outside the store until 10.30pm.

A video posted to Facebook shows shoppers standing around as the cows hungrily demolish the food, obviously not knowing what to do about the shop invaders.

You can take a look at what happened below:


Posted by Stephen Law on Thursday, 7 February 2019

As a result of the contamination, the store has destroyed the relevant fruit and vegetables and has thoroughly cleaned the nearby shelves.

District Councillor Mr Wong Man-han said this is the first time a cow has broken into a shop in the area, despite the fact there are around 30 wild cows in Mui Wo.

He also stated the public only feed the cows fruit, so it’s not surprising they’ll do anything in their power to find more of it – even if it means breaking into a shop. The Councillor is worried similar incidents could occur.

The incident has been handed over to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and has been requested to be processed by the department.

I mean, if we’re being honest, we can’t really blame the cows for this. If I were a cow and could only eat grass all day, you’d better believe I’d be breaking into shops and eating their food.

Although I can’t really say I’d head straight to the fruit and veg aisle… they might need to get their priorities sorted on that front.

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