You’ll find opinions on seagulls differ, some people find they are part of the natural fabric of life in seaside towns and beaches. Others find them a nuisance, placing them in the same bracket as pigeons – rats of the sky.
Because of this, seagulls have earnt a reputation as beach scavengers, opportunists who will pounce on a chance to get some food by any means necessary. Whether it means stealing other animals’ preys, picking at the unwanted scraps or swooping in on unsuspecting beachgoers chip butties.
Some would say it’s survival tactics, others would argue it’s infuriating – for those in the latter you’ll get joy out of one person who decided to torment a flock of seagulls with his chips.
These seagulls have no clue what’s going on:
The footage was filmed in Gosford, New South Wales, in Australia on June 10 this year. The person who filmed the video, who has not been named, threw some of her chips on top of her dashboard for the seagulls to see.
I’m assuming from the footage seagulls aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer among the Aves family as they didn’t realise the windshield was blocking their futile attempts to get to the chips. I guess when food is the only thing on the mind all logic goes out of the window.
As the gulls continued pecking at the windshield the person recording the footage can be heard laughing with malicious glee, she was obviously getting a kick out of the bird’s futile attempts to get the chips.

She stated:
The Seagulls jumped on the bonnet of my car to attempt to get my husband and I’s lunch. So I threw them a chip but they just couldn’t get it.
You know what would’ve made this video better? If there was a seagull strong enough to pierce through – or at least crack – their windscreen. Then they wouldn’t have found it so funny.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected].