Few things can be as bad as what 83-year-old Ali Meşe, from Ordu Province in Turkey, has gone through in the past few weeks.
When trying to light his wood stove using petrol, Ali accidentally burnt down his house, destroying all of his possessions, killing most of his hens and almost all of his cats.
Although he lost his home and decimated all of the sentimental possessions he’d acquired over his long life, one of Ali’s cats made it out of the fire alive.

Standing over the charred ash of what once was his home, heartbreaking photographs show Ali clutching the tiny kitten against his chest, refusing to let it go.
Apparently Ali was planning to cook using the wood stove but when he poured petrol onto the fire, the flames erupted and set alight his home, devastating it in minutes, reports the Daily Mail.
Firefighters were called to the scene by neighbours who spotted the house-fire, but there was little which could be done when they arrived.
Ali was taken to hospital to be treated for minor burns but after just a day he was discharged – along with his cat.
Despite going through an unimaginable time, things are looking up for Ali after the local authorities promised to do everything they can to help him.
Even presidential spokesman, Ibrahim Kalın, was touched by the story and took to Twitter to say that the government would take care of ‘Uncle Ali’ and how they need ‘to keep Ali and his cat warm’.
Hopefully the future is kind to Ali…and his cat!