Heartbreaking Photo Shows Loyal Dog Refusing To Leave His Dead Friend’s Side

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Julie Fennell/Facebook

This heartbreaking photo shows a loyal dog who refused to leave his dead friend’s side.


Volunteers from the Dallas Animal Advocates group came to rescue the Great Pyrenees dog at the road in Dallas, where it had been watching over his fallen friend for hours.

Julie Fennell/Facebook

Animal advocate Julie Fennell posted the image to Facebook, and it shows the Great Pyrenees sitting next to his dead friend. According to The Dallas Morning News the other dog had been struck by a car near Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.

Fennell told KXAS-TV:

He’s obviously being loyal to a friend who passed away and he’s mourning. He was just kind of sitting guard like a statue, just sitting there watching over his friend’s body. It really looks like she was hit in the road.

Julie Fennell/Facebook

Fennell thinks the Great Pyrenees had actually dragged the other dog from the road onto nearby grass. It’s not known whether the dogs were strays or if they had just managed to get away from their owners.


Fennell took the loyal dog to Dallas Animal Services shelter, where he’ll stay for 72 hours to see if an owner comes to claim him.

If no one comes to collect him, SPIN rescue, a nonprofit group, will put the dog up for adoption.