Hunter Found Dead After Years Of Threats From Animal Rights Activists


A big game hunter has reportedly taken her own life after being targeted by trolls for years.

27-year-old Melania Capitan was found dead alongside a suicide note at her home on a farm in Huesca, Spain.

It is claimed Melania had received more than 3,000 hurtful comments online from animal rights activists who said she should receive a ‘beating’ or a ‘bullet in the forehead’.

The president of the Spanish Federation of Hunting has now filed a criminal complaint labelling the ‘attacks from the animalists’ as the reason for Melania’s death.

The complaint stated that hunting was a right in Spain and therefore those trolling Melania were  violating her rights.

Melania, who regularly posted photos of her prize kills and promoted hunting to young woman, has previously defended herself saying that the activity was ‘like love, eating or sleeping’.

Writing online she said:

I cannot find an explanation why you call us murderers. If you want to eat leeks or celery, do it.

If we want to eat game, we do. Let us act in our own way because in this country, at the moment, this activity is legal.

Melania was also involved in a court case about the comments she received online but it was dropped as ‘it was not easy to determine the authorship of the comment’.

4 DÍAS !! Con el viento siempre de cara ….. #tiempodeduendes

A post shared by Mel Capitan Hunter (@melct24) on

Friends and family have paid tribute to her, commenting on her photos that she was ‘a very brave woman’ and ‘an extraordinary person’.

If any of these issues have affected you, please don’t suffer in silence. Call Samaritans on their free 24-hour hotline on 116 123.