Simply catching sight of a whale shark didn’t appear to be enough for one diver, who had a truly unique experience when he managed to hitch a ride with one of the majestic creatures.
Adam Fisk captured the incredible moment on camera when he was swimming in the ocean in Los Buzos, Panama. The kayak fishing enthusiast had been at sea releasing a Roosterfish at the time.
Adam ducked under the water and managed to catch hold of the whale shark’s fin, letting it pull him along as it swam slowly through the water.
Watch the brilliant footage here:
The diver had been fishing with friends when he caught the Roosterfish – which could be seen at the start of the video.
Adam explained the trophy fish of the day was never meant to be kept, and instead the group enjoy jumping into the ocean and releasing their catch, watching it as it swims away.
The release of the Roosterfish seemed to go smoothly, with the impressive catch using its freedom to quickly disappear into the blue water.
The friends high fived at their cool experience, and the video went on to show Adam back in his kayak.

Suddenly he plopped under the water – he must have literally just abandoned his kayak – and started filming the huge whale shark which was passing just beneath him.
The slow moving animal showed no reaction when Adam grabbed its fin, seemingly okay with its human hitchhiker.
Adam probably held on until his lungs were bursting. When he let go of the shark, he returned to the surface with a face of pure delight.
Righting himself in his kayak, Adam started to laugh – somewhat manically, I might add – at the unforgettable experience he’d just had.
Catching his breath, he exclaimed:
Oh man, oh my God that was awesome.
It’s certainly an experience not many people will get to have in their lifetime!

The video was shared online, where the caption read:
One of our favourite things to do here is get underwater releases of our trophy fish. We believe there is no better way to admire these animals than in their own element.
Same goes for our whale sharks and other giant animals. Who would love to take a ride from a whale shark?
Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea, capable of growing up to almost 40 feet and weighing around 20 tons. They prefer warm waters, populating all tropical seas.
Luckily for Adam, the sharks aren’t typically a threat to humans, with their favourite food being plankton.
The giant animals swim around with their mouths open to try and catch their food usually quite close to the surface of the ocean, which helps explain why the diver managed to come across one on his fishing trip.
There’s no doubt he’ll be bragging about this story for a long time to come, and I don’t blame him!
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to [email protected].

Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.