Journalist Chased By Huge Pig As They Try To Read The News

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Back when I was still in journalism school, there was a notable lack of classes to prepare future TV reporters for potentially being chased by a giant, scene-stealing pig during a news segment.

However, amusing news footage from Greece may well prompt media professors to update their curriculum prompto.

Good Morning Greece reporter Lazos Mantikos had been reporting on severe flooding in the seaside town of Kineta when he was approached by an unlikely heckler. A huge, hefty sow who made herself front and centre of what should have been a serious piece of news reporting.


You can watch the disruptive pig in action for yourself below:

Appearing to take a liking to Lazos, the pig followed him around relentlessly, biting at his clothes playfully in what looked to be an expression of her affection.

Lazos’ colleagues back in the studio could barely hide their giggles as he hopped around helplessly, all while being pursued by the curious pig. At one point the creature even chased him off-screen.


Addressing the clearly amused Good Morning Greece anchor Giorgos Papadakis, Lazos said:

Good morning, we have an issue.

Giorgos can you hear me, we have a pig here that has been chasing us since this morning … folks sorry I can’t stand [still] because it’s biting me.

As reported by The Guardian, Giorgos managed to remain professional as he cut the segment short:

Lazos, because it’s a tragic issue and we are counting our wounds in Kineta try and work things out with the female pig.

[…] This is about [wanting] that one moment of fame … I have seen male and female pigs who look for a moment of fame.


Laughter could be heard in the studio as the segment wrapped up. With Muppets’ Christmas Carol season upon us , I surely can’t be the only one to be reminded of the amorous Miss Piggy and her less than enthusiastic Kermit…


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