Lost Dog Waits Four Years In The Same Spot Before Being Reunited With Owners

Lost Dog Waits Four Years In The Same Spot Before Being Reunited With OwnersDog Thailand/Anuchit Uncharoen/Facebook

As if we needed any more proof that dogs are too good and pure for this world, one lost pup waited in the same spot for four years before finally being reunited with its owners. 

Pictures of the shaggy dog were shared online after a Thai resident, Anuchit Uncharoen, spotted him lingering by the side of the road in the Mueang District, looking as if he had been abandoned.

Anuchit saw a woman come to feed the dog and after asking around he found the faithful pet, who locals had named Leo, had been seen waiting in the same spot for four years.

Posted by Anuchit Uncharoen on Thursday, September 5, 2019

He appeared to suffer with a skin condition and was very thin as a result of living on the streets, so the woman who fed him, Saowalak Pinnuchawet, tried to take Leo home, Dog Thailand reported, as per Asia One.

However, just days later he escaped her house and returned to the side of the road. Rather than force the dog to stay with her, Pinnuchawet decided to deliver the food to him.

Leo’s story was shared across social media and, incredibly, a family contacted the original poster to say Leo looked like BonBon, a dog they had lost four years earlier.

Posted by Anuchit Uncharoen on Thursday, September 5, 2019

Noi, the owner of the lost dog, said they had brought their pet on a trip to visit relatives but after stopping at a petrol station they realised he was no longer in the car. The worried family presumed the dog must have jumped out and set about searching the streets, but their efforts proved unsuccessful.

They were delighted to learn their beloved pet had been waiting for them for so long and last month they set off to be reunited with BonBon.

The lovely dog’s perseverance paid off as the family arrived at his spot and the pup wagged his tail in excitement. His long wait had come to an end, but surprisingly he was unwilling to go with Noi. It seems in his time spent hanging around by the side of the road, he’d become attached to the area.

Posted by Anuchit Uncharoen on Thursday, September 5, 2019

Noi and Pinnuchawet spoke about what might be best for BonBon and came to the conclusion that Pinnuchawet would continue to look after him while Noi dropped by every now and then to help.

BonBon was taken to the vet for a check-up before starting life with his new official owner. Hopefully he’ll settle in her house this time!

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