A matador was gored – in the behind – during a bull fight at a Colombian festival at the weekend.
Now my stance on bullfighting is that it’s inhumane and should be banned, so my sympathy levels are low-to-none on this one.
Julian Lopez, known as ‘El Juli’, was taking part in the bullfight at the La Santamaria bullring in Bogota, Colombia on Sunday when the poor, injured bull stuck its horn into his backside.

Pictures of the event show the 35-year-old taunting the poor bull and stabbing it with Banderillas – which are those harpoon-pointed ‘little flags’. Gross.
Moments before going to kill the animal, the 485kg bull got a last bit of rightful revenge.
The bull caught El Juli with one of his horns before tossing him the air and leaving him with a wound on his bottom, report the Daily Mail.
According to reports, it’s the second time this has happened to him.
Last year, another bullfighter was gored in the nether regions, this time, the testicles – and he had to stem gushing blood with his own hands during a bullfight in Mexico.
Fighter Luis David Adame was in a lot of pain after the bull, who’d been taunted by the fighter, flung him into the air and left him with blood pouring from his wound.
The event took place in the plaza Santa María de Querétaro in Santiago de Queretaro during the first fight of the festival.
#Querétaro ?? El momento del percance del matador de toros Luis David Adame#FuerzaLuisDavid? Charly Lara / NTR Toros
Posted by NTR Toros on Saturday, 18 November 2017
In the horrifying footage, Adame can be seen attempting to stop the blood pouring from the wound with his own hands as colleagues carried him off to the side of the bullring.
Adame was back on Twitter, writing:
Bullfighting relaxed and delivered in Queretaro, then comes some betrayal that makes you fly and put the world on your head, but when the fans shout ‘bullfighter’ does not compare to anything! See you soon.
In September, two fighters sustained serious injuries at a night of bullfighting in Seville.
Rafael Serna was left severely injured in hospital after his fight, even though he won his bout with the bull – he attempted to stab a 525kg bull called Almendrito when the bull’s horn went into his armpit.

The incident resulted in a 12cm gash in his underarm and a damaged axillary vein.
The attack caused the Maenstranza bullring to fall completely silent, according to Diario de Sevilla. Serna exited the ring covered in blood, before two men in suits carried him from the ground to the hospital.
His mother and sisters were seen running from the fifth floor of the stadium to the hospital.
Serna was not the only bullfighter to be dangerously hurt during the bullfighting event, as matador Alejandro Talavante received a wound to his upper thigh after being picked up by a bull and slammed hard back into the ground.
29-year-old Talavante’s injuries were less serious than Serna’s and he won his battle with the bull, before cutting its ear off as a trophy and parading it around the stadium.
Again, can’t condone the ‘sport’, so I struggle to sympathise.