A dog who had been so badly neglected she developed mange so severe her skin “turned to stone” has made a miraculous recovery thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited.
The helpless street dog, who has since been named Alice, was discovered lying in the back of an abandoned tuk-tuk in India.
A shocking video shows how her coat had become as hard as stone because nobody had washed her, she’d developed mange – a skin disease caused by parasitic mites which results in severe itching and hair loss – and was also emaciated and extremely weak.
However, the video takes a heart-warming turn as the leading street animal rescue centre in the country come to her aid.
A staff member can first be seen hand feeding the poor pup biscuits to gain her trust, and she eventually allows him to carry her back to the rescue centre in Udaipur.
There, staff rub lotion into the canine’s broken skin to relieve some of her pain, before giving the dog her first ever bath which causes some of the scabs to start falling off.

After four days of treatment, her skin is almost back to normal and some of her fur has started to grow back and, after just six weeks, Alice has completely recovered from the mange and has a new lease on life.
The video concludes with footage of the happy pooch cuddling up to a member of staff and running around the yard gleefully wagging her tail.
Touching footage and a happy ending to a grim story of neglect!