He came, he golfed and he scared us witless. And now Chubbs the ‘monster’ alligator has made a comeback; apparently attempting a one lizard production of Jurassic World 3.
Chubbs’ ground shaking return was captured by Sage Stryczny from Florida, who spotted the portly beast at the Buffalo Creek Golf Course in Palmetto.
Chubbs, who was last filmed at the very same golf course two years ago, could be seen sauntering around in a leisurely fashion; occasionally pausing to enjoy the sunshine on his scales.
Sage had been golfing with his dad approximately 50 metres away from Chubbs – who is believed to be around 15-16 feet in length – and his disconcertingly toothy grin.
Never know what your gunna come across on the golf course #florida #golf
Posted by Sage Stryczny on Saturday, 13 October 2018
Speaking with WFLA, plucky Sage recounted his encounter with the famous alligator:
He was a beast. Me and my dad were about to hit off the tee on a par 3 and we saw him laying right on the green.
Sage’s initial thought was reportedly an extremely understandable ‘Holy crap, that’s a monster gator on the green’. But Chubbs’ gargantuan presence was apparently not enough to put the stoic father and son team off their game.
Sage and his dad continued to play on, with their mountainous new golfing companion just a few scaly strides away.
Sage, who believes Chubbs had been on the move from a small pond to a bigger pond, told WFLA:
My dad says he’s never seen anything like it in all the years golfing. It was definitely a cool sight to see.
Despite his nightmarish appearance, Chubbs has proved to be excellent for business; with thrill-seeking golfers flocking to Buffalo Creek to catch a glimpse of the giant for themselves.
Back in 2016 – during Chubbs’ last bit of internet fame – long-term Buffalo Creek employee Wendy Schofield told News 3 how the alligator is ‘like a mascot’:
People have heard that he is out here and that is all they want to see so they will bring spectators to ride so somebody can get a picture,
He doesn’t bother anybody and they don’t bother him, he’s like a mascot for the course, which is owned by Manatee County.
Here is Chubbs’ first appearance which went viral:
Wendy also explained how Chubbs is no newbie to the course, having visited for some time:
He has been here for a very, very long time, he’s not new at all. There have been guesses that he’s 15 to 16 feet long,
The word has spread that this is a great place to come and play. He is the highlight, but we are worth the price too.
According to CNN, The state record in Florida for the largest alligator caught is 14 feet, 3 1/2 inches. Could Chubbs be the one to – quite literally – blast this record right out of the water?
Poor old Chubbs. He keeps on turning up to the golf course and yet nobody ever challenges him to a game. Someone get that large lad a massive golf club and a pair of tent-sized tweed trousers sharpish!
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.