A frustrated park-goer in Australia took action after getting sick of seeing dog poo left behind, with a strongly worded letter.
I mean, this person was clearly seething with rage. It’s one thing to call an inconsiderate dog owner out when you see them in person, but it takes a whole new level of anger to go home, type up a note, put it in a ziplock bag, return to the park and pin it to a tree.
After repeatedly coming across the incriminating ‘horse shit’ mess in a park in Perth, however, this person reached that level.

They appeared to be addressing one pet owner in particular, identifying them through their ‘big dog that shits like a horse’, but the point of the message could easily put the fear of God into other dog walkers, too.
It began with an attention-grabbing ‘OMG!’, before continuing:
What an inconsiderate dog owner you are.
Many young families use this park and many other dog walkers. Your dog has dropped its horse shit right near the playground, left for young kids to tread in.

The angry letter-writer went on to point out that dog poo bags are actually provided in the park, meaning they didn’t even have the excuse of not being appropriately equipped to pick up after their pet.
They branded the walker as ‘lazy’, adding:
Nobody likes picking up dog droppings, but responsible dog owners do the right thing.
You choose to have a big dog that shits like a horse. This is not the first time either, which is why I’m writing this.
Do the right thing and pick up after your dog.

I have to say, it really seems like the sheer size of the dog poo is the thing that’s getting to this person. I’m very curious to know what kind of pooch is responsible for causing such chaos.
Unsurprisingly, the letter didn’t end with a ‘many thanks’, or ‘yours sincerely’, but rather ended with an abrupt ‘from another park user’.
It’s undoubtedly a passionate letter but after being shared on Facebook the severity of the note has garnered mixed opinions. Some people believe it’s too aggressive, while others have applauded the anonymous writer for their efforts.

According to the Companion Animals Act 1998, as per the MailOnline, failing to pick up dog droppings in New South Wales is an offence which could result in a fine of around $200 AUD – so really the letter writer could be doing the dog owner a favour by advising – or demanding – they clean up after their dog.
While the park user probably could have just had it out with the dog walker in person, hopefully their letter will have done the trick. Alternatively, the dog walker might retaliate by leaving even more poo around the park, but hopefully it won’t come to that.
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to [email protected].

Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.