Police Horse Refuses To Get Out Of Bed For Work Without A Cup Of Tea

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If you’re anything like me, a cup of tea or coffee first thing in the morning is an absolute essential when it comes to getting through the day – and this police horse is no different.


Jack has been serving with Merseyside Police for the past 15 years, and he starts every day the same: with a cup of sugary tea.

The 20-year-old stallion sticks his tongue in his rider’s mug every day and now members of the Merseyside Police Mounted Section include him in their tea round.


You can watch the big boy enjoying a cup of tea here:

According to officers, Jake even waits in his stable, which is based in Allerton, for his big mug of tea ready to start the day each day.

Jake is health-conscious so takes his tea with skimmed milk instead of full fat, however he does treat himself to two heaped teaspoons of sugar – because what horse doesn’t love a bit of sugar?

Fortunately, his riders pop a bit of cold water in there too, just so it isn’t too hot and burn his tongue.


Merseyside Police Mounted Section manager and trainer Lindsey Gaven said:

Jake is one of 12 horses we’ve got at the stable working with us.

I’d definitely describe Jake as a horse with a lot of character. We’ve all learnt his tea order – he’ll deal with one sugar, but is definitely happier when you remember to give him two.

If you’re at the side of the stable and he sees you with a mug in your hand, you can guarantee he’ll trot on over to try and steal a slurp.

Merseyside Police

Jake is always busy with his duties in the force and often polices football matches, as well as the annual Grand National at Aintree Racecourse.


However, at the grand old age of 20, Jake’s time in the police will soon come to an end and next year he’s set to to retire from the force.


Just think of all the lazy mornings he’ll be able to spend in bed, drinking cups of teas to his heart’s content.

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