Sausage Dog And Seal Become Best Friends After Meeting On Vacation

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Sea Life Trust Cornish Seal Sanctuary/Facebook

If you’re looking for some truly wholesome content to brighten this otherwise dark day, you’ve come to the right place.

Let me introduce you to Aayla the rescue seal and Stanley the two-year-old dachshund, who, together, make the most unlikely pair of vacations friends.


I think it’s fair to say we’ve all been on trips away where we’ve met friends from different walks of life, and some us have even managed to remain friends one we return to our normal, and most probably boring, lives.

Fortunately, Aayla and Stanley fall into the latter category, and their friendship has gone from strength to strength since they met at the Sea Life Trust Cornish Seal Sanctuary in Cornwall, while Stanley’s human, Melanie Talbot, was holidaying down there.

At their very first meeting, Aayla swam straight up to the window to greet her new four-legged friend, before the pair spent 20 minutes posing for pictures together.

Name a more iconic duo… I’ll wait.


The adorably wholesome photos were shared to the Sea Life Trust Cornish Seal Sanctuary’s official Facebook page, writing:

DOG OF THE WEEK. We’ve decided as we get so many incredible dogs visiting us, we wanted to share our favourite each week (trust us, it is hard to pick!) This [week’s] winner is Stanley, who shared a magical moment with Aayla.

Melanie reckons that Stanley could have been mistaken for a small seal because of the fleece jacket and snood he was wearing, however judging from the comments section of the post, Aayla loves nothing more than coming nose-to-nose with her furry friends.

I’m going to leave you with that deliciously lovely piece of information and just say, you’re welcome.


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