A woman’s doberman pinscher could give some record-holding sprinters a run for their money as she bolts at a speedy 30mph.
Some dogs can only be encouraged to run when they’ve got something exciting to chase, but, like a four legged version of Forrest Gump, five-year-old doberman Xena just loves running for the sake of it.
Xena’s owner shared the video of the excited pup as she sprinted down the side of the road before coming to a stop as soon as instructed.
Take a look at Xena getting her exercise here:
The video was taken in Bakersfield in California, a place which provided Xena with the long open space she needed to stretch her legs.
The keen dog anticipated her chance to run and could be heard whimpering with excitement as she waited for the permission that would allow her to take off like a rocket.
When the person behind the camera was ready in her car, she called ‘okay!’ to Xena and the dog shot off, the driver of the car pressing down on the accelerator to keep up with the speedy canine.

The dog looked like she could have carried on kicking up the dust as she sprinted forever, but as the wasteland came to an end the owner called out ‘wait!’, causing Xena to obediently slow to a halt.
Her tongue lolled from her mouth as she panted from her vigorous exercise, but there’s no doubt she loved the burst of energy!
Sharing the video online, Xena’s owner wrote:
This is Xena, my 5-year-old Doberman pinscher. I have trained her since she was a pup not to go in the street. She runs at a speed of 30mph and loves this activity.
According to Petsworld, Dobermans come in the top 10 for dogs who are good at running, with Xena’s impressive 30mph just shy of the 32mph these dogs can reportedly reach.
The site explains:
When you think of fast dogs, the tall and incline doberman is the first choice that normally springs to brain. The Black and tan doberman pinscher can without much of a stretch come in at a top speed of 32mph.
Many viewers commented on the video, with some coming up with inventive ways Xena could put her speed to use.
One suggested making Xena’s exercise a joint dog-owner activity, writing:
You should try letting her pull you behind a longboard, it’s a lot of fun.
Another pointed out that the energetic Doberman could cause havoc if she decided to go after an unsuspecting postman:
rip postman
A couple of people thought it looked as though Xena wasn’t even pushing herself to reach the 30mph she managed to hit in the video.
One person commented:
Looks like she could go faster if she really wanted to
To which another replied:
Seriously looked like a light jog for that pooch
Xena is truly impressive, she should enter a dog olympics!
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to [email protected].

Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.