Hipsters Beware, Top-Knots Are Causing Baldness


Made In Chelsea/E4
Enjoy that weird tuft eminating from the top of your head for now, because you may not have it for long.

According to a health specialist the tension on hair follicles, caused by a top knot, is a cause of traction alopecia.


The condition causes acute bald patches which are less than ideal for anyone remotely image conscious.

Dermatologist Sabra Sullivan has said:

I see it probably once or twice a week. They’re putting traction on the hair follicles that the hair is not really meant to take. Traction alopecia in men is becoming more common”

It is a much more severe concern for women, however, and the most common cause is having a weave in your hair, particularly ones where the weave is compromised by poor braiding.


Well prevention is far better, and cheaper, than the cure, so if you are ‘rocking’ a knot it is recommended you don’t make it too tight or else you risk losing your treasured locks.