If my parents were loaded, like multi-millionaire loaded, I’d be pretty chuffed at the thought of all the perks that must come with it.
Unlimited pocket money, cleaners to sort of my bedroom mess, flying first class.
Well, tough s**t if your parents are Gordon and Tana Ramsay.

The celebrity chef and his wife have come under fire for admitting that they do not sit with their children when they fly.
The multi-millionaires choose to sit in first class, while their four children sit back in economy, with the rest of us mere mortals.
Ramsay, who’s worth an estimated £30m, was asked by the Mirror if he was surprised for the criticism he and Tana received:
No I’ve got to keep it real with the kids, I do not want them sat there with a 10 course f***ing menu with champagne.
I’m not embarrassed. It is my wife and I’s choice to discipline them and to keep them real.

Each to their own Gordon, although if you were my father, I’d be seriously pissed off.
I mean, if one can’t quaff champers when flying then one has simply not flown.
Gordon continued:
I like to think about what you can do with the money when you land, rather than paying out thousands of dollars for eight, nine, ten-year-old’s to sit in First Class.

If that isn’t bad enough, the Ramsays have previously said that their four kids, Matilda, Jack, Holly and Megan, won’t inherit their fortune.
Speaking to The Telegraph recently, Gordon said:
It’s definitely not going to them, and that’s not in a mean way – it’s to not spoil them.
Instead, they’ll each receive a 25% deposit on a flat.
Well Gordon, I guess you are the epitome of tough love!