Dad Horrified After Leaving Barber With ‘Garbage’ Haircut

By :
Mercury Press

There are few things in life more disappointing than sauntering into a salon hoping for a transformation, only to leave feeling too embarrassed to face the world.

Whether three precious inches lopped off, or a colour change gone horribly awry, we’ve all been forced to offer a rictus grin to a hair butcher while they proudly hold a mirror up to your destroyed barnet.

Do you hold in your sobs until safely in the quiet of your bedroom, or do you blast your attacker with hairspray before running for life into the wilderness?

One thing’s for certain. You won’t be returning and you’ll most probably be leaving a disgruntled Yelp review once you’ve built yourself up to it.

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A West Yorkshire dad has been left particularly mortified after having his hair ravaged during a visit to the barbers.

Chris Cook, from Cleckheaton, headed to Smart Cuts barbershop during his lunch hour, after his own salon was too busy to accommodate him.


Cleaner Chris was after getting a short back and sides, forking out a tenner for a fresh trim. Little did he know he was in for a hairy experience…

Check out his story for yourself below:

Cross Chris uploaded a video where he shared his experiences with the world, warning fellow hair-havers:

If you want to end up like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber get yourself down to Smart Cuts.

Chris was clearly none too happy with his cut, feeling like it made him look like Jim Carrey’s dimwitted character from 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber:

Right guys, went down [to] Cleckheaton yesterday for my hair cutting. I went down to Smart Cuts, [it] cost me a tenner, look at the state of this.

Give me a little shave on the beard as well that’s why it was a tenner.

Look at the state of this. Short back and sides and a trim on the top, that’s all I asked for. Now you can see it there, look at the state of that.

So if you want to look like Lloyd off Dumb and Dumber and pay a tenner for it, get yourself down to Smart Cuts, absolutely garbage.

According to The Sun, Chris also revealed:

I woke up cranky on the Saturday morning and when I caught sight of myself in the mirror I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

I had a really long fringe and looked like Lloyd out of Dumb and Dumber.

I just thought ‘what the hell have they done to my hair? I can’t go out looking like this’.

It looked like a bowl cut. Once my mum stopped laughing at me I said to her ‘you might as well have put a bowl round my head and saved me £10’.

Mercury Press

However, according to The Sun, Smart Cuts owner Faz has also spoken out:

I don’t understand why, if he did have a problem, did he walk out like that from the shop?

It’s quite upsetting what’s happened but the thing is he shouldn’t have paid us and should have come back. We were there to help him out.

Faz added:

We never do a fringe that short, I don’t know what’s happened. We’re experienced barbers, we have loads of customers.

It’s not nice putting a small business down. I don’t recognise the guy so I haven’t done the haircut. All the lads are qualified, we don’t take trainees on.

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Fortunately, the former soldier’s hairdresser auntie came to his rescue; ensuring Chris was given a much more suaver ‘do’.


Now safely away from the barber’s chair, he can also now see the humorous side to his hair-raising experience.


Can you relate to this ordeal?

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