Girl Wears Lighter As Earring, Instantly Regrets It

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Picture the scene: you’re getting ready to go on a night out, your outfit’s been decided but you just need that something extra to top it off.


And you can’t just go for a bog-standard necklace or a chunky ring; no, you need something that will make you stand out from the crowd and show people that you mean business.

Something like a pair of earrings that double up as a lighter perhaps, which is what one girl decided on recently when she wore exactly that to a party. Yep, really.


The girl and her friend were wearing the inventive creation at a party when people started to take advantage of the easy-to-access lighters.


When one boy lit the cigarette in his mouth using one of the girls’ double use earrings, her pal decided to get in on the action by lighting her own earring/lighter.

Except, the result was not the same as her mate’s and boy did she regret it. With her hair going up in flames, the girl had to act quickly to extinguish the fire.

Take a look at what happened below:


Well, that’d put a dampener on your weekend wouldn’t it? I don’t think any amount of hair products could fix the damage that would’ve caused.

The video has since gone viral, getting shared on social media channels such as Reddit and Twitter and attracting thousands of likes and shares – and, of course, comments.


Most of which consisted of people saying how predictable the entire sequence of events was, like this one:


how did she expect this to play out???

And this one:

i’m trynna figure out wtf she expected to happen

And – you guessed it – this one:

I have so much second hand embarrassment

As you can probably imagine, I can’t find a link to the earrings on any shop anywhere because – let’s face it – that would probably break all health and safety regulations ever.


As such, it’s looking likely the lighters/earrings were homemade or were just put together quickly before the party – a decision both girls probably regret right about now.

It’s not known what happened to the unidentified girl. However, she appeared to put the flames out quite quickly in the video so fingers crossed she’s okay and didn’t suffer any injuries.

Don’t try this at home kids.

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