In 2010 Karina Irby was a nobody. Now she’s raking in millions of Aussie dollars all because of a ‘small business loan’ as Mr. Trump would say, from her father.
Six years back, Karina was sacked from her job as a saleswoman at a local surf shop near her home on the Australian Gold Coast, according to the Daily Mail.
Disillusioned the young entrepreneur asked her quadriplegic father for a loan of $800 Australian dollars so that she could set up her dream bikini business: Moana Bikini.
And set it up she did by creating a tasty website and investing all of her time, effort, and dollar into her risky move.
Fast forward six years and Moana Bikini has 400,000 Instagram followers, customers raining in from every corner of the globe, and is the go-to bikini shop for women all over Australia.
Speaking recently, Karina said that being sacked from the surf shop was all she needed to drive her closer to her dream.
She explained:
Everyone had always said to me I should do my own bikini line, so that’s what I did.
Not too long after she borrowed $800 from her father, Karina headed to Indonesia where she fortunately bumped into somebody willing to manufacturer her bikinis – and amazingly once they went on sale they all sold out almost immediately.
Irby added:
This was when the plan came about — it was, let’s just order some more, double it, and we’ll see if it’s as popular or if it was a one-off thing.
We’re hoping to drop 50,000 pieces for our launch this month. Dad has only just let me pay him back three months ago.
But how did she do it? Well Karina puts it down to online advertisement – and judging from her very much ‘sold out’ website, I’d say she knows what she’s talking about.
So how do you make it in the cutthroat world of business? Get fired, get a loan, and follow your dreams. But don’t blame me if you fuck up.