Pamela Anderson Looks Unrecognisable As She Attends Film Festival


Pamela Anderson stepped out at Cannes Film Festival appearing almost completely unrecognisable and shocking fans in the process. 

The Baywatch star was rocking a very different look compared to her red swimsuit days of the 90s at Cannes and it seems it took everyone by surprise.

The 49-year-old appeared on Saturday night at the festival wearing a black, slightly gothic gown which Morticia Adams would be proud of and her hair slicked back in a ‘wet do.’


There was also a distinct lack of make-up, on her normally fully made-up face, which also added to the confusion and caused fans to do a double take, the Mirror reports.

The new Baywatch film is set for release on 29th May, with Pammy making a cameo appearance – a full 20 years after she left.

Her Cannes’ gown is definitely a different look for Pam, but then perhaps, as she’s pushing 50, she’s decided to go for a new look…


She may not be running down the beach trying to save lives anymore, but she’s definitely still got it.

Nothing wrong with mixing up your look now and then, but I doubt she would have been impressed if no-one had recognised her.

Now that would have been awkward…