I think it’s fair to say that everyone’s classic image of the pin-up, Playboy bunny girl involves big tits and a tiny waist, but has it always been that way and is it still now or have our tastes changed?
Reddit opened the question up to the internet world and here’s what happened.
The debate kicked off with the idea of an equation for the ‘ideal woman,’ mainly involving a formula for a waist:hip ratio, but I can’t be arsed to get all scientific on this on a Monday so let’s just get straight to the point.
This guy’s come up with the perfect answer….

Someone brought up the 70s trend of ‘softer’ women. Softer women?! I thought all flesh was soft, but there we go…

This guy nails an explanation of this mysterious formula though:

So… They’re basically saying that we used to like ‘normal’ looking women with average waist and boob sizes, but now we prefer thinner, yet curvier women.
Make sense?!
The whole thing just got ridiculously confusing and someone just piped up with:

The idea of different bra sizes confused some people, with the American conversion throwing them off completely…
A cat?!
The conversation took a turn into why women can be so picky, with the biological answer being that women can only be pregnant by one guy at one time, but a bloke can impregnate millions of women (in theory) if he so wishes.

And the reply:

Ok then…
This one just likes Playboy for the interviews though….

If you say so…
In conclusion to this bizarre debate, it seems that not too much has changed, skinny waists and large wabs prevail and essentially, always have done.
The only difference is now, guys seem to prefer even skinnier women – even though they’re technically getting bigger.
So there we go, good to know.