A model from Slough, Berkshire, has became the youngest woman in the world to grow a full beard at the grand old age of 24.
Harnaam Kaur grew her six-inch long beard as an attempt to finally conquer years of bullying – and now she’s finally got the Guinness World Record for it, reports the BBC.
And yes, her beard is far better than mine is and ever will be…
Harnaam has excess facial hair as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome – a hormonal condition which causes the growth of hair.
But Harnaam hasn’t always been so confident in her skin – when she first began to grow facial hair at the age of 11, she spent thousands of pounds to try and rid her skin of it in an attempt to get smooth skin, but it wasn’t to be and Harnaam was subjected to years of school bullying and torment.
In a previous interview with Rock N Roll Bride, she said:
At the age of 16 I hit my biggest low. I had been suicidal all year due to immense bullying from school and people in society.
As I sat there, I started to counsel myself. I told myself: ‘The energy you are putting into ending your life, put all that energy into turning your life around and doing something better’.
So what did Harnaam do? She became a Sikh – a religion which forbids the cutting of hair – and decided to embrace her facial hair and let it grow freely.
Things have paid off for Harnaam, as back in March she became the first woman with a beard to stroll down the catwalk at London Fashion Week.
What an inspirational woman.
Personally, it isn’t hard to see that men and women alike should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies.
Be thin if you want, be fat if you want, be bald or hairy or stubbly – who gives the slightest fuckeroo? Just make sure you’re happy.