Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie, Flamboyant Fun But Not Fabulous

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Fox Searchlight Pictures

This film adaptation of the popular TV show Ab Fab proves once again that the move from the small screen to the big is hard to get right, yet the brilliant characters means there is still a lot to love.

Get your glass, actually make that a bottle, of champagne at the ready because Britain’s favourite chain-smoking alcoholics are back.

Jennifer Saunders’ Eddy and Joanna Lumley’s Patsy are known for their glamorous lifestyles, but this is all put at risk when it appears they’ve killed the one and only Kate Moss.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Forced to flee Britain they make their escape to the French Riviera and hatch a plan to live the high life for forever.


Unfortunately though sweetie, darling the story-line doesn’t work nearly as well as it should do.

Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie suffers the flaw which pretty much all film adaptations of television shows are unable to escape from.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

In a thirty minute show the plot is a minor element, especially with Absolutely Fabulous as its success lies with the witty script and vibrant characters brought to life by a brilliant cast.

With films though plot is an essential element to get right and when it misses the spot, well the whole film is let down.

The silly story does allow for plenty of hilarious cameos, well most are funny, but it’s flabby, drags and simply will not hold your attention.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

The film is lucky though to have Saunders and Lumley to save it from being a complete mess though.

Patsy and Eddy are wonderful creations and have never been funnier as they try to embrace the modern world, from Twitter to selfies.


The ever fabulous Lumley is especially on top form as Patsy, reprising her role without fault complete with her sarcastic smile and outrageous behaviour.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Patsy was always the best thing about Absolutely Fabulous and my, we’ve missed her from our lives.

It is also great to see the return of  Jane Horrocks’ useless personal assistant Bubble and Kathy Burke’s fierce fashion editor Magda.

Glee’s sparkling Chris Colfer is a welcome new addition to the cast along with the young Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness.

Although the storyline is simply rubbish Saunders did ensure it was packed full with laughs as her sarcastic wit is once again on point.


You will certainly have a giggle at the antics of Patsy and Eddy but it is a shame that the story-line is so weak it lets the film down.

Not quite so fabulous darling.

Fox Searchlight Pictures