Even during times of destruction and despair, there are moments of joy.
Wildfires had brought devastation to the beautiful coastal areas outside of Athens, Greece, with at least 91 people killed as the forest flames ravaged popular tourist destinations.
There are reportedly still 25 people left unaccounted for after what’s being called the most deadly in Europe for over a century.
In addition to this enormous human tragedy, hundreds of animals are believed to have passed away.
However, in the midst of all this horror, physiotherapy student Artemis Kyriakopoulou was able to find a ray of hope in the form of a little dog who had managed to hide itself in an outdoors oven in an area of Mati, near Athens, which had been razed to the ground.
Frightened and singed, the poor pup appeared greatly relieved as it went to meet its rescuers, wagging its fluffy tail and sniffing at them with appreciation. Fortunately, it’s believed to be in good health.

Artemis shared footage of the incredible rescue on Facebook, telling her followers:
We found this creature in a furnace of a burnt out house at an area of Mati that has been completely destroyed.
The dog was burned, hurt, hungry, and of course scared as we managed to save him and his sibling who was in a better condition.
They have been both transferred to a vet.
The second dog that is not shown in the video was patiently awaiting his owner at the entrance to the house.
Please help us to find their owners if they are still alive.
She later wrote:
My kids need parents to love them and provide them with the necessary care. Help me find them family.

Those who have read Artemis’ story have been deeply moved, wishing the unnamed dog all the best of luck for a reunion with its family.
One person commented:
Good for you that in this disaster you k [sic] interest and for these innocent victims!!!
Another said:
This with my dreadlocks has stolen the heart… inform you please when you will finally have news for their luck.

This latest rescue comes just days after a dog was discovered sitting on a rock in the ocean, terrified of the inferno which had engulfed the surroundings she knew and trusted.
The Facebook page StreetDogs in Volos-Greece have since revealed the dog’s name to be Lua. She has reportedly now been reunited with her owners after being cared for by an animal rescue group.
In a post on the page, the following delighted announcement was given:
Her people found her! Her name is loua! They didn’t let her die! They love her! They just didn’t know what to first do.
End Well, all good!!!!
A small glimmer of hope in the fire Athens-gasfields
Την βρηκαν οι δικοι της ανθρωποι! Την λενε Λουα! Δεν την αφησαν να πεθανει! Την λατρευουν! Απλα δεν ηξεραν τι να πρωτο…
Posted by StreetDogs In Volos-Greece. Adespota Skilia Gates Ston Volo on Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Artemis told UNILAD:
When I found the marshmallow (the dog as we call him) he was really scared of everything and tired
His whole body and coat was burned and he was in intense pain.After 2,5 hours we rescued him and we took him immediately to the vet where he stayed for one day in order to be given the first aids. Now he’s living temporarily with a volunteer till we find him a family.
He has significantly recovered and but he’s still taking the medication though. He also get rid of all the burned coat and he looks really happy.
It is cheering to know there are good people out there like Artemis who are determined to reunite people with their beloved pets at such a traumatic time.
Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by the recent wildfires in Greece.
If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.