For the younger sibling, your big brother or sister going to university is painfully hard.
You lose your partner in crime, your mild aggressor, your pal in parental provocation. So imagine if they were travelling to the other side of the world!
Rhona, from Cork, Ireland, decided to soften the blow for her nine-year-old sister before she jets off to Australia as part of her International Business university course.

Speaking to UNILAD, Rhona said:
Well I’m 20 and my sister is 9, and I’m moving to Australia in July and she’s quite upset about it so I just wanted to make her something that she could have and look back on while I’m gone!
I just put in letters, stories, poems, pictures, scavenger hunts and diary pages and stuff that she could do while I’m gone and show me when I get back.
Rhona continued:
I haven’t given it to her yet! I have a few more ideas I want to add in before I do.
I was shocked at the reaction to be honest, that people thought it was so nice.
Me and my sister are really close anyway so this doesn’t seem that big of deal to me I do stuff like this all the time, but it’s really nice people have been messaging me saying she’s lucky to have me and that’s really nice to hear.

Rhona’s notebook was filled with beautiful letters and words to make her sister feel better about being alone.
The book began:
I wrote this book for you sot hat no matter how far away I might go, or how long I go for, you always have something to look at and remember how much I love you.
You are the greatest little sister in the whole wide world.
The following pages were filled with loving activities and useful information like what times she could call her in Australia.

Rhona uploaded some pages from the book captioned:
Since my parents split up and I’m feeling super guilty about moving to Australia and leaving my sister here I’m making her this notebook and damn if I had a sister like me smh.
The tweet received 863 likes and 56 retweets, warming commenters hearts, with some saying it made them cry.

One Twitter user wrote:
Awh this is the sweetest idea ever . You’re sister is lucky to have you!
Another said:
Thanks for making me SOB in work

Rhona also set her sister funny tasks like a scavenger hunt because they ‘wont be able to play games properly’ while she was away.
Her little sis has to find things like ‘someone who got sunburnt’, ‘a funny face’, and ‘a yellow car’ and take photos of them in return for a gift from Oz.
Rhona said her sister is somewhat of a Snapchat legend with a hilarious sense of humour. Scrolling through Rhona’s Twitter, there are multiple tweets about her little comedian sister.
One post was of her sister holding a wine glass captioned ‘Who’s on it tonight?’

Rhona is really making me feel like a second-rate big sister here.
All I did was buy my sister a farewell KFC.
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