Random Guy Gives Girl His Credit Card, She Sends Perfect Picture Back

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If you were given someone’s credit card details, what would you do with them?


Would you just ignore the fact you have the ability to buy whatever you want or would you purchase a cheeky present or two or three for yourself?

This was the tough decision 17-year-old Leagan Wilson from Texas had to face last week when a guy who asked her out on a date gave the teenager his full credit card details.


Leagan, who had met this guy at a camp a couple of years ago, was rather shocked when she was given the credit card details despite saying no to the invite of a date.


She told UNILAD:

After I let him know I didn’t feel the same way about him as he did about me, he said he would leave me alone but then sent his credit card information in what I assume was an attempt to win me over…

When I first saw it I was surprised but I just kind of ignored it because it wasn’t the smartest move.

It really wasn’t the ‘smartest move’ and Leagan took full advantage of this guy’s epic error buying the only thing worth purchasing with the card, a bright, big bouncy castle.


When asking Leagan why she decided to make this particular purchase when she could buy ‘anything’, she said:


I saw one while driving home and remembered the card. My only reasoning was, well, why not buy a bouncy castle?

Other than the castle I bought some chicken nuggets but that’s all.

What a legend!

Of course Leagan was pretty chuffed but the same can’t be said for the guy who sent a picture of the email confirming the order asking ‘what is this?’.

Leagan posted photos of the interaction online and naturally it went viral.


Leagan told UNILAD:

He was pretty irritated at first but then I explained to him, he did in fact say ‘anything’.

I haven’t talked to him since, and the only thing he said about the tweet was to not mention who he was.

People were quick to comment calling Leagan their ‘hero’ and ‘idol’, names I don’t think the guy will be calling her.


But what idiot gives out their credit card information so freely anyways…

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