Guy Dresses Up As A Girl So He Can Get Into A Party

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According to most pop culture references to life in American colleges, frat parties are complicated affairs with exclusive guest-lists, copious kegs, and restricting dress codes. 

Often, people get left outside in the brutal popularity contests for any number of dumb, elitist diktats.

But one 21-year-old guy has come up with an ingenious solution to the guy-girl party ratio rule imposed on one frat party he wanted to attend at Arizona State University: Dress like a girl.

Chase, a student himself of Product Design at ArtCenter in Pacedena in California, shared the transformation to Twitter, captioning his photographs, “When the frat boys won’t let you in so you dress like a girl for the turnup”.


Chase told UNILAD:

As general frat party rules go, you need to know someone in the fraternity to get in. Ratios don’t necessarily work anymore for a guy to get in.

My friend Carrie and I were trying to get me into a fraternity party last Saturday night. She knew someone and I somewhat new the guy that she was asking. He wouldn’t budge.

Huw Williams

Chase explained how “9 times out of 10 I would say that being a guy at a large university and not being a part of Greek life could make going out on weekends a tad more difficult.”

Chase recalled the how his friend Carrie sparked the idea of a disguise, saying:

Carrie and I have always joked around about me dressing up as a girl and going to a frat party to see if anyone would know if I was a guy. With a lot of encouragement on her end I decided to just cave and go full force with the idea.

When we arrived, I was convinced that the blue wig I had gotten from a different friend would not have worked. Luckily the party was very dark and majority of the people were outside.

Chase Ghiglia

Never forgetting to ‘smize’ for the camera, Chase explained, “The bamboozlement had been a success!” He dubbed the night one he’d never forget and now has a newfound respect for women who chose to dress up for parties.


He told UNILAD:

I give girls props for all that they do to get ready. You guys definitely do not have it easy. Now I can say that I hate fake lashes and never want to see them again!

While one cruel kid in a crowd of emoji claps dubbed his drag ‘disturbing’ other social media commentators called it ‘revolutionary’ and ‘legendary’. Much of young, male American Twitter has come out in force to congratulate Chase on his ingenuity.


But after desperately trying to keep this trick lowkey, inevitably, the tweet went viral and has received 15,000 likes and 2,500 retweets at the time of writing.


Chase ad his unforgettable night are living proof that – in his own words – “[College] is definitely what you make of it.” So, you’d better make it fierce.