While some say cards are both pointless and a waste of money, others put time, thought and effort into the ones they pick or even make.
Which is exactly what Ryan promised his girlfriend Laura he would do this year, saying it will be ‘a good one’, having been late with a card her past two birthdays.
To be honest, Ryan it does sound like 2018 was the time to up your card-game!

Having been together since fourth year at school, Laura and Ryan have plenty of cute photos together… one in particular that sparked an idea in his head.
Going on Moonpig’s website, Ryan chose a template and uploaded some photos into a collage which he knew Laura would love.
Unfortunately, Ryan didn’t get the delighted reaction he was expecting due to one small but crucial mistake – he forgot to change the default name of ‘Georgia’ to ‘Laura’.

Going in with full confidence, Ryan handed the card over to Laura thinking this year he had smashed it.
Speaking to UNILAD, Laura said he really did have no doubts she would love it:
Every year he books a night away somewhere and writes where we’re going in the card but the past two years he’s just told me where he’s booked because the card is always late.
So the weekend before my birthday he’s banging on about this card and how much of a ‘good one’ it is this year.
Don’t get me wrong, the pictures he’s picked are my favourite ones of us so I can see why he was excited to give me it.
So he hands me it in the same envelope that it got delivered to his house in – even although it comes with two as you’re meant to open it, CHECK IT and put it in a fresh envelope.
Might I add when it got delivered to his house, his mum said to him maybe you should check it but he was adamant it was perfect.
Well, let this be a lesson to us all that listening to our mothers is paramount in not making stupid mistakes because, and as unfortunate as it is to admit, they do know best.

Opening it, Laura was understandably less than impressed thinking she had missed a joke, asking ‘are you kidding?’
Poor Ryan was immediately confused as he had used her favourite photos but bewilderment turned to sheer embarrassment when Laura pointed out his error.
Repeatedly emphasising he didn’t notice there was writing on the card as he was too busy focusing on the pictures, luckily Ryan was quickly forgiven.

As Laura told UNILAD she wasn’t even really angry because she ‘wouldn’t expect anything less from him’.
As she says and has been made clear from the card incident, Ryan doesn’t exactly have much ‘common sense’:
He does try his best with absolutely everything but sometimes his lack of common sense gets in the way.
This is the most him thing possible. He was so excited to give me the card and it was just so funny because he tried so hard. I couldn’t even be angry at him.
I shouted my mum in and told her about it and she couldn’t stop laughing. It’s up on my window ledge because I love the pictures on it.
I don’t think I’ll ever part with it. It’s a keepsake for sure.
So all’s well that ends well then Ryan as your cock up made the card even more special!

I also wouldn’t worry too much as hundreds of others have made the same mistake as Laura found out when she posted about the card on Twitter.
Sharing photos of it, she wrote:
Right SO Ryan’s just came in with my birthday card (1 day late let me tell u) and he’s been concentrating so hard on the f*cking pictures the c*nts forgot to CHANGE the writing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 who the F*CK is Georgia?

To Laura’s surprise the tweet went viral receiving over 36,900 likes as people shared their stories of making the same mistake in the replies.
To be honest Ryan, this mistake couldn’t have led to a better ending. Internet fame, a happy girlfriend and memorable card, you really smashed it this year!
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