On Monday (June 18) England enjoyed a win against opponents Tunisia during their first match of the 2018 World Cup.
24-year-old Tottenham Hotspur player Harry Kane scored both goals instantly making him a national treasure.
While most fans raised a glass that night in celebration of Kane, 21-year-old Sam Pritchard from Cambridgeshire decided to pay tribute in another fashion.

On holiday in Morocco with his girlfriend Harriet, when she asked him to apply sun cream to her back a fun idea popped into his head.
Sam decided to write ‘Kane’ followed by the number nine on Harriet’s back with the sun cream in honour of the England player.
You can see his work here:

Speaking exclusively to UNILAD, Sam explained unfortunately he had to rub the ‘Kane 9’ into Harriet’s back to avoid her getting angry.
He said:
With all the World Cup fever going on I thought it would be a laugh. Straight away she realised but I thought it would be funny to get a picture and show the boys.
If England have any chance of winning then Kane will have something to do with it – a world class player who can single handedly win matches.
If I had left it on and she actually had ‘Kane 9’ tanned into her back then I would’ve had a very angry girlfriend to deal with for the remainder of the holiday.
It was probably for the best then…
Wanting to share his prank with the world, Sam posted the photo on Twitter writing:
My heads gonna be off when she wakes up with ‘Kane 9’ on the back…
The tweet quickly went viral receiving over 8,600 likes at time of writing (June 20).
So while your girlfriend may not have appreciated the prank, the internet did.
Javier from Mexico’s wife also isn’t too impressed by The World Cup denying him permission to go to Russia for the tournament.
Feeling sorry for him, his friends decided to take a life-size cardboard cut-out of Javier with them to Russia so he wouldn’t feel left out.
Cardboard Javier’s shirt states ‘my wife didn’t let me go’ in Spanish!
But as I imagine Javier will tell you, a cut-out isn’t the same though guys!
Posted by Ingue Su Matrushka on Friday, 15 June 2018
As reported by Oddity Central, during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil the group came up with the idea so Javier did have four years to warn the missus.
The five pals from Durango even decorated the minibus they were going to travel in with their nation’s colours.
Javier’s cardboard cutout boarded the bus and has now travelled across Russia despite the World Cup only beginning last Thursday (June 14).
Posted by Ingue Su Matrushka on Monday, 11 June 2018
The group have even set up a Facebook page, called Ingue Su Matrushka, to chronicle their adventures across Russia with Javier.
Our favourite photo sees cardboard Javier asleep with a sombrero on his face next to a bottle of Jägermeister.
Posted by Ingue Su Matrushka on Monday, 11 June 2018
We hope you can make it to Qatar 2022 Javier!
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