If you look up ‘gullible’ in the dictionary a photo of a young workman pulling a silly face will be there, the absolute definition of the word.
Now, I am sure many of us have fallen victim to a prank but some people really will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.
Which is exactly what 22-year-old road worker Lee Blaylock from Carlisle discovered when he recently played a joke on one of his work colleagues.
While texting his workmate Jordan one day, the idea of pranking him popped into Lee’s head and so he started hatching a cheeky plan.
Grabbing a work phone, Lee texted his colleague from an unknown number pretending to be someone from an upcoming training board he knew his mate was soon facing.
He messaged Jordan:
Hi it’s claire from sp training regarding your wagon training could you just send me a picture of yourself only for your id badge/card.
Surely you would have thought the blatant lack of punctuation would have given it away from the start but clearly not.

While Jordan was initially confused as he was ‘booked in with train rite at Warrington’, it only took a swift response from Lee stating ‘we have this procedure with everyone’ to calm the lad down.
Saying ‘no problem’ Jordan sent a serious selfie of himself to ‘Claire’ hoping that would be the end of it.
Lee though, had other plans writing back:
Please could you look bit relaxed that photo is to intense Jordan thank you Claire
Again the wrong use of ‘to’ instead of ‘too’ should have given it away but poor Jordan was fully convinced, sending across a smiling selfie.
Seeing just how far he could take the gag, Lee decided to send a risky follow up message thinking Jordan surely wouldn’t go for it.
He wrote:
Excellent! Nearly there can we just have one more of you making a silly face for our fun presentation at the end of the course.
Lee’s convincing tone encouraged Jordan who, bless him, sent across two photos of himself pulling the most ridiculous faces he could manage.

Speaking exclusively to UNILAD, Lee explained he knew Jordan would take the joke well.
He said:
We thought it would be funny. Just came to me as I was texting him.
He’s a good lad, we just got him with a good prank.
His reaction was he called me a bellend haha!
It’s brilliant that it went viral, it was just a bit of work banter!
As Lee mentioned his prank did indeed go viral after he shared screenshots on his Twitter.

At time of writing (September 20) the post has got over 53,000 likes, something Lee and Jordan really didn’t expect.
We are sure the internet fame made it all worth it hey Jordan!
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