The main reason anyone rents a graduation hat is to do the slow-motion cap throw and catch. Apparently your degree is void if it’s not done with video evidence.
Maurice, from London, was no different when he graduated from the University of Leicester, and his mum was just as excited to take part as he was.
In her attempt to do a slow-mo cap throw next to her 22-year-old son, she performed a real-time live slo-mo in addition to the camera’s slo-mo feature.
It was all very…slow:
Speaking to UNILAD, Maurice explained how the funny slo-mo video came about:
We had just finished taking pictures from my graduation and my mum was saying we should take pictures by the uni sign so I stood there took couple shots and my mum got involved took my graduation cap and said smile so we took couple shots and that’s how that happened.
She literally said do a slow motion then started moving in slow motion so funny.
She finally got the hang of it:
Maurice posted the video to Twitter captioned ‘My mum said make the video go in slow motion so she can throw the hat in the air but decided to go slow motion herself”.
The tweet received over 1.1k likes and 3.2k retweets, with many commenters saying their could imagine their mums doing the same thing.
One commenter wrote:
I lolled at this so much, typical African mums.
Talking about the reaction he got online, Maurice said:
I got a big response from my friends and random people saying that my mum was hilarious, loads of people said that their mum would do the exact same thing and weren’t surprised that it happened like that.
She knew what she was doing but the time it was happening was so funny so we did the video again we’re she actually threw the cap.
Sounds like his mum needs a lesson from YouTube sensations The Slo Mo Guys, who do all sorts of crazy stuff, and then slow it down.
A particular favourite was when they filmed a mousetrap slamming down on a tongue in slow motion.
Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy were dared by their fan’s to film poor Dan’s tongue being caught in a mousetrap, but understandably the usually cavalier boys were a bit hesitant to pull of that particular stunt.
In the video, Dan screwed up his face up with his eyes closed and gingerly tried to stick his tongue out, without ever touching the trap.
Unfortunately for poor Dan he doesn’t quite trigger the trap the first four times and it’s only on the fifth attempt that he catches the latch and the trap slams shut on his tongue. Unsurprisingly Dan screams in pain, shouting: ‘f*cking hell!’

Their videos are good, but I think I might actually prefer Maurice’s mum’s slo-mo attempt.
She encompassed every mum ever.
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