Inside North Korea’s Most Brutal Concentration Camp

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North Korea is without doubt one of the most notorious and secretive countries on the planet – and this terrifying revelation expands on this horrible reality. 

This is Camp 16 – the most feared concentration camp in the entire country – and though little is known about the camp, what is known is it’s utterly petrifying, reports The Sun.

Camp 16 is situated in the harsh mountainous terrain of North Korea and is home to over 20,000 inmates – typically, former government ministers and the country’s most dangerous dissidents and enemies – where they will stay until they are worked to death.

Not one person is known to have escaped from the confines of the torture camp. Why? Because it’s surrounded by a 75-mile wall, constantly patrolled by soldiers on foot and in off-road vehicles.


There are also 35 guard towers located along the wall loaded with sentry guns and guards who have been ordered to blow anybody trying to flee into pieces.


If you’re caught trying to escape, you are publicly executed either by hanging or being shot multiple times in the face, chest, legs and feet.

And anybody who has managed to slip past the guards and the wall is thought to have died in the brutal wilderness which surrounds the camp.

And things only get worse as murders, rape and torture are utterly rife in the prison, officially called Hwasong concentration camp.


A former security officer at the camp, Mr Lee, explained that prisoners were often executed in incredibly inhumane ways – such as being forced to dig their own graves before being killed by hammer blows to the neck.

Mr Lee also said that the work at the camp was hard, dangerous and deadly – with prisoners often working for 20 hours a day in mines, logging areas, fishing and agriculture.

He admitted that he had seen a lot of fatal accidents in the prison.


When inmates finish work they are forced to attend ‘ideology struggle sessions’ where they are told about their flaws before being told to beat one another up as punishment.


Other stories have emerged from Camp 15, a similar nearby prison, of how starving inmates would catch snakes and rats for food – while others would even eat pig feed or sweetcorn found in cow dung.

Countless accounts have also come forward about women being raped multiple times in the camp before harrowingly ‘disappearing’.


Amnesty International Director, Kate Allen, said:

Amnesty believes these camps have been in operation for approaching 60 years, yet only three people have ever been known to have escaped and a massive 40 per cent will die of malnutrition.

Every former inmate Amnesty spoke to had witnessed at least one public execution.

The North Korean authorities have also been known to use a horrific 4ft by 4ft ‘torture cell’, where inmates can neither stand nor lie down.

The minimum time in there is a week, but Amnesty has heard accounts of people being locked in there for eight months solid.


Nothing on earth sounds quite as bad Camp 16 and the many other tyrannical human rights abuses North Korea has became so infamous for.

Hopefully, one day this will all come to an end.