A proud mum has shared the incredible moment her baby saved himself from drowning during a swimming lesson.
29-year-old Lisa Dietrich and her husband Jake, from Ventura, California, decided to take their 11-month-old son Quest to a very special swimming class.
As seen in the footage, after being disorientated by the instructor, Quest manages to turn himself over, floating on top of the water, using as little movement as possible to reserve energy.
You can watch the amazing video here:
Having been taught to do this, Quest has now learnt how to sustain himself in the event of a water-related emergency.
If this was a real accident, Quest would use very little movement to conserve energy until help arrives rather than fight to make sure his face is out of the water so he can breathe.
Known as ‘ISR lessons’, the survival swimming classes for infants have been growing in popularity across the world the past years and mum Lisa couldn’t recommend them enough!

After doing some research, Lisa decided to go with the lessons Infant Swim offers with instructor Michael Petrella looking after her son.
With each class lasting around 10 minutes at a private pool in California, on Quest’s eighth he managed to save himself from drowning which Lisa says is her ‘most proud moment to date’.
Speaking exclusively to UNILAD, Lisa explained she decided to pay for the lessons after hearing about a woman who had lost her baby boy to drowning.

She said:
I found out about the classes through a very close friend who witnessed a friend lose her baby boy to drowning.
We made the decision to take these lessons because my in-laws have a pool and a doggie door.
We needed to know that in the event that multiple safety walls failed, our baby would be able to find oxygen and survive until someone came to save him.
With the cost of lessons varying, for parents unable to afford them scholarships are available thanks to a foundation called Live Like Jake which was set up by another family to face this tragedy.
Lisa told UNILAD she feels the classes are ‘incredibly worth it’ and would recommend them to any parent.
She concluded:
I have recommended it to every person I know who has a child. Drowning is the number one killer of children ages nought to four.
Many people think it’s an instinct for babies to save themselves. It is not. It’s a silent killer.
The knowledge is priceless. This video is also taken not even halfway through the classes we signed up for. He has a lot more lessons to go.
It is very impressive how quickly babies and children learn.
Proudly sharing the video on Reddit, Lisa was delighted when it went viral receiving over 73,000 likes at time of writing (August 2).

Lisa hopes the viral video will inspire other parents to research into ISR classes for their children.
As she says, it could save a life.
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