Mums love nothing more than their sons scrubbing up well, and this reaction to a son cutting his dreadlocks off is the most joyous I’ve ever seen.
Manuel Lebron-Lopez, 18, surprised his mum by cutting his hair short after having it shoulder-length for the past three years and in dreadlocks for the past month and a half.
Manny knew his mum would react dramatically so he took a video, and the footage really doesn’t fail to please. She can be seen jumping up and down and screaming in excitement.
Here’s her priceless reaction:
Speaking to UNILAD, Manny said:
I was born in Puerto Rico and moved to Florida only 13 months old. I was kinda the black sheep throughout my life when it came to school and family-wise.
I liked to just do something fun that made people laugh and I love helping people in general.
I’m a senior now so back in freshman year I started to grow out my hair. The ultimate goal was to get a man bun.
But I loved getting it braided so I did all kinds; cornrows, box braids, french braids, I would even do pig tails and it would just surprise people and make them happy to see I’m myself and don’t care about judgment.

Manny continued:
Then a joke about dreads arose and I was opposed to it but I said ‘Eh, why not’ so I twisted my hair and surprised my mom which she did not like whatsoever!
About my mom, she’s the sweetest person ever. Her reactions were always over the top so that’s why I recored her reaction and posted it on Twitter.
In the video she says ‘You cut the sh**s of your head! No way!’ And proceeded to jump around.
The reason why I cut my dreads off was because it was starting to look messy and I needed to look good for senior pictures. A female friend of mine did push me towards the idea though. But my mom was ultimately the one who wanted them off the most so again, I decided “why not” And surprised her!

He continued:
I decided to get dreads just for fun to be honest. I always loved doing weird things to my hair so I said ‘why not!’ I decided to do it during final exam week to kinda end junior year with a bang!
When I first got them, it felt nice and different. I got a comment from a friend saying ‘You’re the only one in our school with hair like that and I like it’ when I get them completely shaved off, it was such a nice feeling. I got to wear hats again like I usually do and in Florida, since it’s hot most of the time. Especially during summer. All the hot and sweatiness was no more!
I had short hair like this all my life up in freshman year of high school. Then I decided to grow it out to see how I would like it and oddly enough, my mom liked it too! But she definitely likes the short hair better because of how I always had it as a kid.

Manny posted the video to Twitter and it received over 2.7k retweets and 8k likes, with commenters calling his mum ‘very cute’ and a ‘legend’.
It was definitely worth cutting them off for that reaction.
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