Paola Saulino Says Pompa Tour Is ‘Female Empowerment’


2017 was a heckin’ great year for women and female empowerment.

We witnessed the uprising of concerned gals (and guys) over issues of gender equality from politics to pop culture, making waves and headlines in the name of feminism.

Among them, championing her own body autonomy and sexual rights, was Paola Saulino, the adult actress who embarked on an oral sex tour of Italy.


In the first tour of its (very NSFW) kind, Paola, from Napoli, travelled the length of Italy giving ‘pompa’, the Italian for oral sex, to male ‘No’ voters in the Italian referendum, if they passed rigorous checks to get tickets.

Speaking to UNILAD, Paola explained her mission is not only political, but also socio-political, saying the Pompa Tour, which has seen her pleasure hundreds of men, is representative of her very own ‘female empowerment‘.

She added it’s ‘not just about sex’, but this empowerment can be applied to ‘a lot of different strong choices’ for women – and men alike.

Ciao a tutti (voglio scrivere in italiano questa volta). Ho condiviso tanto sui social, cose più hot, cose divertenti, ho messo in scena l'ignoranza (espressione artistica per pochi a mio avviso)… e sono stata capita, non capita , attaccata … fa parte del gioco di chi si espone , di chi vive… sono invece solita tenere per me i momenti down quelli in cui siamo tristi (signori e signore anche io a volte sono giù) questa volta mi esprimo, forse sto cambiando ultimamente ma ho voglia di essere a pieno tutte le sfumature che ho dentro. Questa volta sono fragile, e in questa fragilità non sono mai stata più forte forse. Qualche giorno fa ho subito un piccolo incidente, per caso sono stata morsa da un cane in volto. Per fortuna nulla di grave, considerando che un cane di taglia grossa poteva letteralmente sfigurarmi, Ringrazio il cielo che ho tutto apposto, solo qualche piccolo segno dati i punti di sutura, spero vivamente di tornare come prima al più presto! Ho fatto più di una riflessione in questi giorni , comincio con quella che se penso che ho sostenuto qualche volta di volermi rifare qualcosa in viso, mi sento stupida. Il volto per una ragazza è tutto e non mi sono sentita mai più bella di ora, desiderando solo la mia bocca e il mio naso normali , forse non perfetti ma per questo sublimi … la seconda (e non ultima) riflessione riprende le parole di Papa Francesco "oggi le persone dedicano così tanto ai loro cani e gatti e poi non riescono a vedere se una vicina di casa è in difficoltà" …. amo molto i cani e tutti gli animali , ma mi soffermo un attimo sul comportamento dei proprietari del cane (che continuo a considerare troppo carino) i quali ben poco si sono interessati della vicenda , volendo preservare l'animale il più possibile (o forse anche se stessi) … lunga vita ai meravigliosi amici a 4 zampe, ma io sono una ragazza e credo che sia importante avere un adeguato comportamento tra esseri umani !!!! Buon ponte a tutti !!

A post shared by PAOLA SAULINO ??? (@insta_paolina) on

Paola told UNILAD:

Oral sex is a great act of female power as well. I am an independent woman and I have the power to say that I like performing oral sex.

I feel the pleasure of the power to give others pleasure. And it makes me powerful. For more than one reason I got my power.

I hope my example will help lot of girls to feel free to live their sexuality and their choices.

Her own body autonomy, controversial though it may be, is actually supported by the very basis of feminism, the movement which has fought for the female right to a judgement-free society when it comes to their sexuality – no matter what Piers Morgan says.

Paola admits herself she used her sexuality to ‘persuade my fellow Italians to vote No’ – which is arguably only a stone’s throw or two or three away from other sly playground political tactics used in modern global diplomacy…

Only Paola followed through.

While it’s a shame we live in a society in which the easiest way for a woman in the public eye to be heard politically is to sexualise her opinions, the fact remains: a woman can be both politically-engaged and sexually active, all at the same time.

Don’t tell me your mother never told you women are great at multi-tasking.

Paola isn’t hurting anyone. The only unfeminist (read: unfair) thing happening here is people telling her what she can and can’t do with her mouth.

Of course, women aren’t obliged to find Paola’s actions personally empowering. In the name of equality and women’s right, though, we are all obliged to let Paola get on with her tour, free of shame or abuse.

Speaking of, Paola confirmed with UNILAD she would be completing her tour, after recovering from being mauled by a dog at a friend’s party, in due course in the United Kingdom.

Paola is hoping for a short recovery from these facial tears:


Paola, who explained she suffered ‘severe bleeding’, said:

Of course I still have plans to do my Pompa Tour in the UK. It is my goal to be popular in the UK, it’s a dream. I’ll do it. I’ll bring my Pompa Tour to the UK also, without a doubt.

British people are amazing, and I can’t wait to start the tour again.

The outspoken adult actress also joked:

I can’t suck Italian penis for whole my life, c’mon! I think I will need British penis as well, and I really love British people. I see you like gentlemen.

And I also follow your premier league. You are a football country and I appreciate this a lot. I am a big supporter of Napoli soccer. What I can say? See you soon!

Feminism is a movement which – in its ideologies – works for all women, whether they chose to present their sexuality to the world and go on tours performing oral sex, or not.

Call it what you like – feminism, female empowerment, or gender equality.

If Paola choses to express her desires, even the unusual ones for ‘British penis’, and refuses to conform to the narrow stereotype of how women should behave and think, so be it.

Blow job Queen ! #queen #pompatour #capri

A post shared by PAOLA SAULINO ??? (@insta_paolina) on

Women sure stuck it to the Man last year, rising up in favour of truly equal pay, equal representation in politics as well as pop culture, condemning tampon tax, championing the autonomy of the female form, and speaking out against systematic sexual abuse in society.

While Paola’s Pompa Tour isn’t about to change the global climate for women everywhere, maybe somewhere, she can inspire women to be more open and honest about their sexuality.

Considering female sexuality has been a plaything for the patriarchy for so long, it’s a start.