Sausage Party: Like A F*cked Up Toy Story On Acid

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Columbia Pictures

Foul, offensive and side-splittingly hilarious Sausage Party is easily the best comedy of the summer and maybe even the year. 

By now you’ve no doubt seen the trailers for this anarchic and frankly fucked up film, but on the off chance you haven’t seen them Sausage Party tells the story of Frank (Seth Rogen) and his bun girlfriend Brenda (Kristen Wiig) who both want nothing more than to be taken home by humans.


Unfortunately the star crossed lovers soon realise the dark secret of the supermarket, that people eat food, and the pair go on an adventure to save their friends from a fate worse than death.

Columbia Pictures

Having not liked either The Interview of This is the End I went into Sausage Party slightly nervous, the trailers had made the movie look like Toy Story on acid and I really wanted to like the film.

So I’m happy to say that Sausage Party was everything I wanted it to be and more.

Straight from the opening musical number I was chuckling and by the end of the screening my jaw honestly ached from how much I’d been laughing it’s that funny a film.

Columbia Pictures

Now as the trailer’s showed there’s a darkness to Sausage Party and I’m not going to lie there were times when I was caught off guard by quite how far the film was willing to go to get a laugh.


Seriously there were jokes in this that Sacha Baron Cohen would think were a bit too far. Not to spoil anything but my jaw dropped during a gag that compared the Israeli-Palestine conflict to a war for shelf space between a bagel and lavash.

Surprisingly though Sausage Party is more than just sex and race jokes for the sake of shock, at its heart there’s a nice message about atheism and organised religion that’ll no doubt give audiences something more to chew on.

Seth Rogen’s Frank’s a likeable enough character playing the Woody role to Brenda’s Buzz Lightyear but the relationship between David Krumholtz’s Kareem Abdul Lavash and Edward Norton’s (Which is a cuntish name) Sammy Bagel Jr. stole show for me.


I also really enjoyed the world of Shopwell’s – the supermarket where the food lived – and thought that the animators had done a great job making the world bright, colourful and lived in.

Sausage Party is a brilliant comedy that while not perfect delived on it’s promise of anarchic, over the top fun.

Columbia Pictures