Stranger Things’ David Harbour Agrees To Marry Fan Who Tweeted Him


When you think of Twitter you probably picture a dark virtual space full of enraged Pepe frogs and international political p*ssing contests.

It’s a place for dangerous products of nepotistic Klans called Kim – not to mention the North Korean Supreme Leader. But Twitter can also be a place of light, hope and glorious, unabashed super fandom.

Just ask Erika Elizabeth, whose wildest dream just came true thanks to a few thousand retweets.

Sending a modern day message in a bottle out into the Ethernet, Erika tweeted:

What would it take to get @DavidKHarbour to be the Officiant at my wedding in September?!

Well, as Erika – a woman with fewer than 500 followers – discovered, it only took 93,162 retweets and 32,805 little Twitter love hearts, at time of writing, to guarantee her Happily Ever After.


David Harbour, of Black Mass, Quantum of SolaceRevolutionary Road and Suicide Squad fame – as well as the beloved Sheriff Jim Hopper of Stranger Things – boldly responded to the ‘@’, challenging Erika to a little social media stand-off in exchange for his services.

He responded, nailing his colours to the mast:

125k retweets. Provided date works with s3 shooting schedule, I will get ordained and perform ceremony. I get to read an esteemed love letter of my choosing, and after the cake is officially cut, I get the very first piece.

With the all the gusto of Dustin luring the baby Demogorgon from his room, Stranger Things fans quickly came to the aid of their fellow Hopper-mad viewer and Ericka’s tweet quickly amassed thousands upon thousand of retweets.

While her RTs haven’t reached the required 125,000 yet, Hopper’s tweet is sitting pretty at 133,570, at time of writing.

But, still, this happened less than a day after Ericka sent her tweet:

Either Harbour has lessened his demands or he’s just ‘halfway happy’ with the almighty Twitter efforts of Stranger Things watchers.

UNILAD has reached out to the self-confessed Stranger Things obsessive for comment.

This comes just months after David proved himself to be a man of his word, when he attended a high school senior’s school portraits upon her request.

Damaris Fregoso, from California, achieved the required stipulations of 25,000 retweets and allowing Harbour to ‘wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone‘.

So there he was, as promised, sweatshirt and trombone included:

Harbour’s willingness to show love for his fans has even inspired a spin-off satirical fan account, handled @DKH_RT_Corp, which stands for the David K Harbour Retweet Corporation.

Founded in 2018, by German-born Anke Bodzin, DKH RT Corp. ‘proudly presents the opportunity to purchase retweets for any activity involving actor David K Harbour’.


The founder, who stressed she’s not about monetising Harbour’s generosity, told UNILAD:

I very, very much like Stranger Things and David Harbour and what he does on Twitter. The RTs for the senior photos and now to conduct a wedding to get the first piece of the cake.

I envy those followers who had these successful ideas and how David connects with his fans.

[Officiating the wedding] is another very kind and a little crazy act from David, but I believe it is truly genuine and he wants to give back for all the affection he receives.

In the interests of Hopper nostalgia, here’s a recap of the strange fictional goings on so far: 

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Who knew the power of social media was stronger than the very power of love?

Well, Stranger Things have happened.