Women who give birth are just incredible, huge respect to anyone who does it. The average baby weight is seven pounds and seven ounces.
Carmen Trinice, from Atlanta, gave birth to a baby boy weighing 11lbs 5oz on July 27. She brought her ‘chunky’ baby Dwayne Michael Canada, into the world, and he is the youngest of seven children.
36 weeks into the pregnancy, 25-year-old Carmen had to have an ultrasound scan because he was looking ‘way too big’ and weighed 8lbs.
Here is some footage of Dwayne both in and out of the womb:
Speaking to UNILAD, Carmen talked about the pain she experienced during pregnancy:
I couldn’t stand on my feet for more than 20 minutes, or walk for too long without having pain.
I gained about 50lbs during pregnancy but a lot of it was belly.
I had a planned cesarean because I had an emergency one with my daughter six years ago she was 8lbs 7oz.
Here is Carmen’s stomach five months before birth:

During her pregnancy, Carmen said she ate a lot of food and that ‘everyone was feeding [her] well’, including her mum, best friend, and boyfriend.
She was eating ‘bacon burgers every other day’ and ‘craved steak a lot’, while she got a craving for Golden Oreos, but that was specifically only in the middle of the night.
She also said because she drank copious amounts of fluids all the time she had to use the bathroom every hour, making it pretty hard to sleep, but she was super thirsty.
Carmen was scheduled for a 1.15pm surgery and has her epidural at 12.45pm, but due to a lack of hospital rooms, she had to be pushed back to a 2.20pm birth meaning she ‘felt a lot more than [she] was supposed to’.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, here is a baby who was born just 1lb 15oz:
Describing the birth of Dwayne, Carmen said:
It burned like a fire was lit in my stomach and I felt him being pulled out.
He came out 11lbs 5oz exactly, and weighed in 11.01 when we left the hospital.
Recovery has been tough for myself. Between the scars and swollen feet, having a six-year-old to prepare for back to school.
Because Dwayne is so big, he requires a lot of milk so Carmen chose not to breastfeed him as it ‘can be majorly time-consuming’.
Dwayne went from drinking five to 10ml to 20-40ml of milk in 24 hours. Now he drinks about three oz every two-and-a-half to three hours.
Here is the 1lb 15oz baby doing a sneeze:
Talking about the reaction Dwayne has had online, Carmen said:
I really didn’t expect him to go viral all of my friends were just shocked at how big he was.
I’ve had mothers from Texas to England messaging me congratulations or having questions about the birth or what I ate.
It’s been humbling knowing the first week of my sons life he’s made his mark on the world.

Carmen’s friend posted a photo of Dwayne to Facebook which received 52k shares, with commenters shocked at how big he was and how much hair he had.
Of course there was a lot of concern for Carmen’s vaginal recovery, but thankfully for her, she did have a cesarian section.
The mum of seven had to change her friend request settings as she got around 400 messages and friend requests per day with people wanting to know what she ate.

She described her youngest son as a ‘healthy chunky baby’, saying ‘god bless my heart for having him’.
Congratulations Carmen, but I have to say this has really put me off childbirth for a while.
I couldn’t handle a Dwayne.
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