A woman has undergone an incredible transformation losing more than half of her bodyweight after making significant changes to her lifestyle.
Mum-of-two, 30-year-old Roxanne Crozier from Missouri has been on a remarkable journey the last two and a half years losing a total of 222 pounds, more than 15 stone!
At her most Roxanne weighed 360 pounds (25 stone, seven pounds) but after a lot of hard work and dedication she has got her weight down to 138 pounds (nine stone, eight pounds).

Admitting her weight has been an issue throughout her whole life, in 2016 Roxanne decided to take charge and do something about it following a health scare.
Speaking exclusively to UNILAD, Roxanne explained after googling about a strange rash that appeared on her hand, she believed she had signs of pre-diabetes.
Although a doctor then confirmed it was eczema that only flares up in winter, the brief scare was enough to give Roxanne the motivation she needed to begin her transformation.

Before she lost weight, Roxanne would eat junk food on a daily basis and would regularly have second and third helpings.
She told UNILAD the day after the scare she started tracking what she was eating each day:
Before I would eat seconds and thirds of mostly deep fried food. I would stop on the way home from work and get food and then still eat dinner when I got home.
When I started my weight loss journey, I learned about portion control by reading nutrition labels and buying a food scale. I cut out fried foods, except for on cheat days, and ate a lot more lean protein and vegetables.

Counting calories, controlling her portions and eating healthier food instantly made a difference encouraging Roxanne. She knew then she could lose more weight.
She admits at first she had her doubts and even now she still sometimes struggles:
At first I think I was doubtful that I could lose weight because I was obese my whole life. Then my friends were cautiously supportive because they thought I wasn’t eating enough (I eat plenty).
Cutting out soda cold turkey was the hardest thing I’ve done. I still struggle with cravings for it but sparkling water helps a lot.
Roxanne also started walking up and down her driveway for exercise before signing up at a gym when she felt more confident.
Now she exercises three days a week and has her full mobility back having previously been unable to walk with vigour.

Roxanne even gave UNILAD her advice for others who want to lose weight. She concluded:
Choose your why. Focus on it. If you have a bad day, it’s no reason to give up. Just get back up, dust yourself off, and start again.
Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen one small decision at a time. Making a bunch of small good decisions, one day at a time, has landed me here.
It’s a lifestyle change so it’ll take some work to get new habits ingrained but it is so worth it.
I’m very thankful for it. I got my mobility back (could barely walk at my heaviest due to a permanently dislocated kneecap), I got off all blood pressure medication, I have more energy to spend on my five-year-old twins and my cholesterol has halved.
Congratulations Roxanne!
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