Netflix Confirm Stranger Things Season Two With Tantalising Teaser Trailer


Netflix have confirmed a second season of Stranger Things will be aired on the streaming service in 2017.

They didn’t just break the news in a cold press release though, instead they have released an awesome teaser trailer that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck once more.

Check it out:

There is just something about hearing that title music…

The trailer is packed full with of 80’s references, and as reported by Tech Crunch sets season two up to take place in 1984, just shy of 12 months down the line from the smash first season.


So that gives anyone yet to experience the awesomeness of season one time to catch up, while the rest of us continue trying to learn the rules of ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ so we can fit in with Mike, and the rest of the gang.

And now we wait for a confirmed return date…