I knew Alex Jones was certifiably – shall we say – odd, but I never thought I’d catch him interviewing Amazon’s Alexa via an Echo.
Conspiracy hog Jones likes to grill ‘the elite’ from his InfoWars studio and now, apparently, includes automated technology.
Poor Alexa, here to help with simple music and restaurant requests and now, the latest victim of Jones’ right-wing scolding.

If you don’t know any of what I’m talking about, have a read of this description of the Amazon Echo and Alexa:
Amazon Echo connects to Alexa – a cloud-based voice service – to play music, make calls, set alarms and timers, ask questions, check your calendar, weather, traffic and sports scores, manage to-do and shopping lists, control compatible smart home devices, and more.
Just ask for a song, artist or genre from Amazon Music, Spotify, TuneIn and more. With multi-room music, you can play music on Echo devices in different rooms, available for Amazon Music, TuneIn and Spotify (coming soon); Bluetooth not supported. Echo can also play audiobooks, radio stations, news briefings and more.
Just ask Alexa to control your compatible smart lights, switches, TVs, thermostats and more.
Alexa is always getting smarter and adding new features and skills. Just ask Alexa to request an Uber, order a pizza, get train times, and more.
Alex Jones, on the other hand, is just an ordinary bloke who gets paid to be angry at inexplicable things.
Watch as he attempts to discipline the fictional Alexa:
I'm crying laughing…
"Alexa… are you connected to the CIA?"
"Alexa… you are lying to me." – Alex Jones' hard hitting back and forth interview with an Amazon Echo.
He's not gonna let it get away with ANYTHING. pic.twitter.com/GxguDBLMST— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) December 9, 2017
Are you connected to the CIA? Bloody hell mate just ask her where the best Indian is near your area and be done with it. Hum her a song you know but can’t remember the name of. Anything.
You’re clutching at straws if you think a preset fictional character that acts as voice control for a speaker device is going to suddenly turn around and say, ‘You know what? Here’s the full craic with Trump and Russia…’
The CIA and Alexa are yet to comment on the matter, and we doubt either would consider wasting their breath or electricity.