Everybody has their needs, and The Chase’s, ‘frosty knickers’, Anne Hegerty is certainly no exception – and she made that very clear on last night’s episode.
As Coronation Street star Catherine Tyldesley’s time came to take on The Governess she stood up to the podium a little afraid of what was to happen next – knowing Anne’s stern approach to taking down contestants.
But Anne insisted she was happy – and her reason why is pretty explicit.

With a big grin on her face, the 58-year-old uttered a casual: ‘I’m in a really good mood now that I’ve got Dick’.
Oh Anne, oh Anne, oh Anne.
In fact, Anne wasn’t referring to the fleshy sponge of blood that swings between male thighs (or so we think…), but was referring to the man with perhaps the finest moustache in British television, Dick Strawbridge – whom she had just knocked out of the game.

But that wasn’t before Bradley Walsh, who crumbles into hysterics at every chance possible, had time to quip a devastated: ‘I’m gonna have nightmares about that’.
As you can probably imagine – Twitter could not fucking handle it:
@anne_hegerty glad youve had some dick hahahaha
— Ginge (@jossthomas98) July 17, 2016
The Governess is happy that she got dick ?? #TheChase
— Daniel Harper (@Dantastic1987) July 17, 2016
OMFG i am in stitches here @ITVChase #TheChase absolutely love @anne_hegerty comedy genius
— Dee Kelly (@therealdeekelly) July 17, 2016
Unfortunately, Dick, Catherine and the other contestants failed to beat Anne, who took off with the £75,000 they’d built up throughout the show.
Does Anne getting dick beat the infamous Fanny Chmelar incident?