BBC In Racism Sh*tstorm For This Fried Chicken Video

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The BBC, which boasts a 12.5 per cent black and minority ethnic (BME) workforce, just can’t seem to represent the millions of people in that ethnic category, even during Black History Month.


The tweet, reading ‘Black people and chicken – is there any truth in it?’, was posted by BBC Newsbeat as part of their ‘That Black British Feeling’ documentary series, but provoked huge backlash from people branding it ‘unbelievably racist’.

Intriguingly, the BBC thought it appropriate to ask white people whether there was any truth behind the stereotype, with three white people entering into a discussion on the generalised racial cliche, the Mirror reports.


Another of the documentaries asks the question ‘Is it ever OK for white people to use the n-word?’

In the video, one white woman says:

A lot of black girls that I know, they are always like, yeah, you know, I eat a lot of chicken because it makes your bum bigger.

I can’t think of a time when racial stereotypes have been introduced as a reasonable discussion point – with stereotype meaning ‘to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same’.

A white man goes on to say:


Lots of black people I know love chicken. There is this correlation between it that, I don’t know, there’s a stereotype, but it’s true.

BBC Newsbeat

A few black people featured in the BBC short, one saying he loved chicken, and a black woman clarified ‘It’s not the only food that we eat’.

Twitter was outraged…

The original tweet was deleted after it created a social media shit-storm, but the altered tweet only made the situation worse.


One user, Natalie Lawrence, likens the BBC’s question to ‘Do elephants really never forget?’:

A BBC spokesperson said:

These short films show young people from various backgrounds discussing their experiences of dealing with different stereotypes, which accompanies a wider documentary looking at racism in the UK.

Maybe it would have made more sense to assume, like all stereotypes, that they don’t represent all black people, and instead ask black people how such stereotypes affect their lives…just an idea BBC.