Bear Grylls Reveals Truth About ‘Survival Mission’ With Barack Obama

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Bear Grylls has revealed his ‘survival mission’ with President Barack Obama was far from extreme…

Appearing on The Jonathan Ross Show the TV ‘survivalist’ said he ‘went easy’ on Obama as the pair trekked through the Alaskan wilderness, reports Digital Spy.

But it sounds like the most extreme activity the pair did on the episode of Running Wild With Bear Grylls was to eat some salmon that a friendly bear had left behind for them.

Speaking to Jonathan Ross, Bear said the most bizarre thing about the whole experience was the level of security laid on for the president.

He said:

They had it all set up for him.They had this big black box – if anything goes wrong he gets in it and has all the nuclear codes and a big hook on the top for a helicopter, it’s a container so they can just they take him away.

We had like 60 Secret Service, snipers in the mountains. I’m not joking, we had the four helicopters in the air, it was a crazy whole machine to watch.

But the most ridiculous thing Bear witnessed were Obama’s, lavatorial arrangements…

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Bear said:

They actually put special presidential loos every kilometre. Of course none of them got used… I think he actually went in the bushes at one point.

Although he was obviously nervous before meeting one of the most powerful people in the world, Bear said his mum helped to calm his nerves.

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According to Bear she told him: 

Remember everybody puts their trousers on one leg at a time, even the President. He’s going to be a normal guy.

And it sounds like she was right – in the show Obama comes across as a modest, down-to-earth guy who is pretty concerned about climate change – although his survival skills leave something to be desired.

I now can’t get the picture of Obama playing Leo’s role in The Revenant out of my head #fuckedbyabear…