Brilliant Instagram Account Showcases The Best Scenes From The Simpsons

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20th Television

It’s been an emotional few days.


First we were faced with Donald Trump becoming President of the United States at Friday’s inauguration. The next day, the largest day of protests in U.S. history took over 500 cities in the form of the Women’s Marches.

On Monday, Donald Trump signed an executive action barring, essentially, women’s rights.


Everyone’s confused, society’s divided, and we all need a pick me up.


A pick me up, specifically, in the form of The Simpsons.

Enter ‘Scenic Simpsons’, an Instagram account dedicated entirely showcasing the most beautiful scenes, colours and abstract compositions from everyone’s favourite animated sitcom.

With 150 posts and over 5,000 followers, the account posts strikingly well-composed scenes and details from the show.


If you’re a fan of seasons 11+, it’s worth noting that most of the screengrabs come from the ‘golden age’ of The Simpsons, known not only for its style and script but for its look.

The exact time of this ‘golden age’ is down to individual preference, really, but generally speaking, seasons one to ten seem to hold a certain something in fans’ hearts.


From cigarette stubs to shower curtains and shadows, here are some of the most striking details from that era as posted by Scenic Simpsons:


Not a bad way to spend wasting an hour or so…


If you’re ever feeling down, leave it to The Simpsons to pick you back up.